Vocabulary | Bibliography | Webliography | Alaska
State Standards
Spartz, India. Eight Stars of Gold: The Story of
Alaska's Flag. Juneau: Alaska State Museum: 2001. The exhibit
catalog was produced to accompany the 75th anniversary of the creation
of Alaska's flag. Copies of the catalog are available from the Museum
(395 Whittier St., Juneau, AK 99801) and online as a PDF file at
Caudill, Rebecca. Did You Carry the Flag Today,
Charley? Illustrated by Nancy Grossman. New York, NY: Holt,
Rinehart and Winston, 1988. ISBN 003089753X Ages 8 - 10.
Crampton, William. Flag. New York: Alfred A.
Knopf, 1989. ISBN 0-394-822255-2. The Eyewitness series provides
clear information and photography to beautifully illustrate the
topic. In this book students will discover the story of flags and
banners close up - their history, their meanings, and how they are
Crouthers, David D. Flags of American History.
Hammond Inc: New York, 1978. ISBN 0-8437-3080-3 This useful
reference book includes chapters on flags
of the Revolution, Civil War and "since the Civil War." There is interesting, detailed information
on flag etiquette and stories of famous flags such as Old Glory.
Haban, Rita D. How Proudly They Wave: Flags of the
Fifty States. Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publications Co., 1989.
ISBN 08225-1799-x The format for this book makes research easy and includes a full color flag representation
for each state.
Inglefield, Eric. Flags. New York: Kingfisher
Books, 1984. ISBN 0-668-06262-2 This is a handy reference book,
especially for middle school students doing research projects about
flags. Chapters include information about flag design, flags throughout
history, and flags by continent with
every country represented. Dense reading.
Jeffries, David. Flags. New York: A Franklin
Watts Library Edition, 1985. ISBN 0-531-100008-1 This easy-to-read
fact book provides a simple overview and clear illustrations about
the main topics in the study of flags.
Johnson, Linda Carlson. Our National Symbols.
Brookfield, CN: Millbrook Press, 1992. ISBN 0-395-65038-0 Ages 8-12.
This book of symbols includes the Liberty Bell, Statue of
Liberty, bald eagle, bison and Uncle Sam.
Karasilovski, Phyllis. Benny's Flag. 2001.
ISBN: 1570983208 soft bound copy. This book is beautifully illustrated
by Juneau artist Jim Fowler that tells the story of Benny Benson
entering and winning the contest to design Alaska's Flag.
Richter, Bernd and Susan. How Alaska Got its Flag.
Cantwell, AK: Saddle Pal Creations, 2000. ISBN: 0-9663495-4-7 This
bright, colorful book about the story of Benny Benson creating the
flag also includes other ideas for symbols for Alaska.
Smith, Whitney. The Flag Book of the United States.
Illustrations by Louis Loynes and Lucien Philippe, New York, NY:
William Morrow & Co., 1975. This is a dense reference book
that describes each state
flag, including the history of that flag. It also contains
sections on the first flags in America, the origin of the U.S. flag,
and flags since 1795.
White, David. Flag. Vero Beach, FL: Rourke Enterprises,
Inc., 1989. ISBN: 0-668-06262-2. This selection in the "Great Book"
series includes chapters on flags as symbols, patterns and shapes
of flags, the language of flags (semaphore) and etiquette, along with
sections on Revolutionary flags, flags at sea, the stars and stripes,
heraldry, and "flags to fear." This is an excellent book for research.
Beck, Mary. Heroes and Heroines in Tlingit-Haida
Legend. Seattle, WA: Northwest Books, 1989. Ages 10+. ISBN:
00-88240-334-6.These stories recount the escapades of famous heroes
and heroines in the Tlingit-Haida tradition. Well written and
vivid, the stories make for excellent read-alouds.
Caduto, Michael J. & Joseph Bruchac. Keepers of the
Earth. Illustrated by John Kahionhes Fadden and Carol Wood,
Golden, CO: Fulcrum, Inc., 1989. ISBN: 55591-027-0 This is a collection
of North American Indian Stories and related hands-on activities.
The authors designed the book to help children discover their
environment and understand the influence they have on it. This
is a good teacher source book.
Carter, M. Legends, Tales and Totems of Alaska.
Sutton, AK: Bentwood Press, 1986. Ages 10+ This is a collection of Eskimo,
Aleut, and Indian tales relating to totem animals. It has a
large section
on totem poles including history, carving, characteristics, types
and legends illustrated in carvings.
Mayo, Gretchen Will. Star Tales: North American Indian
Stories About the Stars. Illustrated by the author, New York:
Walk & Co., 1987. Ages 8+. ISBN: 0-8027-6672-2 This book
is a folktale collection
about the nighttime sky taken from many Northern United States and
Canadian Indians. Each story has a carefully researched introduction
concerning its origin. This well done book tells the legends with
simplicity and humor.
Monroe, Jean Guard & Roy A. Williamson. They Dance
in the Sky. Illustrated by Edgar Steward, Boston, MA: Houghton
Mifflin Co., 1987. All Ages. ISBN: 0-395-39970-X This collection of legends
from various North American Indian Cultures explains the sky world.
It includes a bibliography, index and glossary.
Cobb, Vicki. Imagine Living Here. This Place
is Cold. Illustrated by Barbara Lavallee, New York: Walker Publishing
Co.,1989. Ages 6-9. ISBN: 0-802707340-0 This wonderful book
includes facts
about Alaska's cold climate, animals, plants, travel and people. Lavallee cleverly blends the Eskimo culture with up-to-date illustrations
that feed the imagination.
The Alaska Almanac: Facts About Alaska.
(Updated annually) Alaska Northwest, 2000. Ages 8+ ISBN:
0-88240-249-8 This almanac is a must for every Alaskan
classroom-it's packed full with the kind of trivia students enjoy
and the facts and information teachers need to refer to.
Langdon, Steve. The Native People of Alaska.
Anchorage, AK: Greatland Graphics, 1993. ISBN 92-074225 The introduction
and chapter seven provide a good source for student research. This
excellent book provides a complete chapter on each Alaska Native
Heinrichs, Ann. Alaska. New York: Children's
Press, 1991. Ages 9-14. ISBN: 0-516-00448-4 The Alaska volume of the
"America the Beautiful" Series is comprehensive in its recent and
accurate information. It includes good color photographs.
Jenness, Aylette and Rivers, Alice. In Two Worlds:
A Yup'ik Eskimo Family. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1989.
Ages 9-14. ISBN: 0-395-42979-5 This book is the documentation of
the life of a Yup'ik Eskimo family located in a small Alaskan
village on the coast of the Bering Sea. The well-written narrative
and interesting photography detail the changes that have come about
in the last fifty years.
Naske, Clause-M. and Herman E. Slotnick. Alaska: A
History of the 49th State. Second Edition, University of Oklahoma
Press, 1976. ISBN: 0-8061-2573-X "A finely crafted narrative of
Alaskan development
profusely illustrated, handsomely produced,
is comprehensive, readable and eminently reliable." -Alaska History
Annotations marked with (KS) are
based on Dr. Katy Spangler's "Alaska's Children's Literature
Bibliography," an unpublished source book. She teaches at
the University of Alaska Southeast.