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Museum Bulletin Newsletter

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PDF bulletins published in 2010.
Issue Published Feature Ask ASM GIA Spotlight
Bulletin #35 Winter 2010 Introducing Exhibits Specialist Jackie Manning Unopened cans of salmon in the collection Metlakatla's Duncan Cottage Museum Project
Bulletin #34 Fall 2010 Conservation Intern at the Alaska State Museum Matching storage locations with database-noted locations 2011 Grant-in-Aid awards
Bulletin #33 Spring 2010 A Paper Conservator's Alaskan Adventure Museum insurance policies Sutton's Alpine Historical Park
Bulletin #32 Fall 2009 Bruce Kato retires Writing condition reports Sitka Historical Museum


PDF bulletins published in 2009.
Issue Published Feature Ask ASM GIA Spotlight
Bulletin #31 Spring 2009 State Museum Brings Interns to Alaska's Small Museums Is Eskimo appropriate? Changes coming to Grant in Aid


PDF bulletins published in 2008.
Issue Published Feature Ask ASM GIA Spotlight
Bulletin #30 Fall 2008 Managing dust Buffered vs. non-buffered tissue 2009 Grant-in-Aid awardees
Bulletin #29 Spring 2008 Pest Management Accessioning vs. cataloging objects Kodiak's Baranov Museum


PDF bulletins published in 2007.
Issue Published Feature Ask ASM GIA Spotlight
Bulletin #28 Winter 2007 Sorrel Goodwin is new Registrar at State Museum UV filters and light levels Juneau/Douglas City Museum
Bulletin #27 Fall 2007 2007 Spruce Root Basketry Conservation Internship Displaying artwork with feathers 2008 Grant-in-Aid awardees
Bulletin #26 Summer 2007 ASM Hires Bob Banghart as New Curator of Exhibits Bugs in fur Carrie McClain Memorial Museum
Bulletin #25 Spring 2007 The Alaska State Museums Hires a New Conservator Ellen Carrlee Scope of collections Dorothy Page Museum in Wasilla


PDF bulletins published in 2006.
Issue Published Feature Ask ASM GIA Spotlight
Bulletin #24 Fall 2006 Alaska State Museums Hires Curator of Museum Services Scott Carrlee Handling objects, fading baskets, and skin-covered drums 2007 grant-in-aid awardees
Bulletin #23 Winter 2006 Arctic Winter Games highlights growing traveling exhibits list n/a Changes to Grant-in-Aid


PDF bulletins published in 2005.
Issue Published Feature Ask ASM GIA Spotlight
Bulletin #22 Summer 2005 Fee structures for the use of photographs n/a 2006 Grant-in-Aid awardees


PDF bulletins published in 2004.
Issue Published Feature Ask ASM GIA Spotlight
Bulletin #21 Fall 2004 Online collection database access for Alaska State Museum n/a 2005 Grant-in-Aid awardees
Bulletin #20 Spring 2004 Addison Field joins staff at Alaska State Museum n/a 2004 Grant-in-Aid awardees


PDF bulletins published in 2003.
Issue Published Feature Ask ASM GIA Spotlight
Bulletin #19
Email Anjuli for a copy of Bulletin #19
Winter 2003 Canoe Restoration Project at Sheldon Jackson Museum n/a n/a


PDF bulletins published in 2002.
Issue Published Feature Ask ASM GIA Spotlight
Bulletin #18 Fall 2002 Alaska Positive Exhibit n/a n/a
Bulletin #17 Summer 2002 Alaska's Flag n/a 2003 Grant-in-Aid awardees


PDF bulletins published in 2001.
Issue Published Feature Ask ASM GIA Spotlight
Bulletin #16 Fall 2001 Solo Artist interviews n/a n/a
Bulletin #15 Summer 2001 Alaska Museum Survey Results n/a FY2002 Grant-in-Aid awards
Bulletin #14 Spring 2001 Quilts of Alaska n/a n/a
Bulletin #12-13 Fall 2000/Winter 2001 State Museum Welcomes New Conservator Scott Carroll n/a n/a


PDF bulletins published in 2000.
Issue Published Feature Ask ASM GIA Spotlight
Bulletin #11 Summer 2000 ASM lending library returns n/a FY2001 Grant-in-Aid Awards


PDF bulletins published in 1999.
Issue Published Feature Ask ASM GIA Spotlight
Bulletin #10 Autumn 1999 The Meaning of the Masks' Return n/a n/a
Bulletin #9 Summer 1999 Exhibit Label Basics, Part 3: Content n/a 2000 Grant-in-Aid awardees
Bulletin #7-8 Winter & Spring 1999 Basic Techniques for Making and Mounting Labels n/a Grant-in-Aid forms mailing out soon


PDF bulletins published in 1998.
Issue Published Feature Ask ASM GIA Spotlight
Bulletin #6 Fall 1998 Y2K for museums n/a 1999 Grant-in-Aid awardees
Bulletin #5 Summer 1998 Exhibit Labels: Basic Guidelines for Small Museums n/a n/a


PDF bulletins published in 1997.
Issue Published Feature Ask ASM GIA Spotlight
Bulletin #4 Fall 1997 Aleut weavers baskets n/a 1998 Grant-in-Aid awardees
Bulletin #3 Summer 1997 Native Artist Deomonstrators Program at Sheldon Jackson Museum n/a n/a
Bulletin #2 February 1997 New Conservator Brook Bowman n/a Grant-in-Aid approaching deadline


PDF bulletins published in 1996.
Issue Published Feature Ask ASM GIA Spotlight
Bulletin #1 September 1996 New positions open, new web page n/a 1997 Grant-in-Aid awardees

Page last updated 01/24/2023